Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Remain in me!

"Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit because without me you can do nothing." John 15-4

Here our dear Lord pointed out how it is vital to stay connected with Him. It is as if He tells us that He should be always part of our life as in and not merely an accessory, or whenever we feel the need arises.

How can we be connected? It's through prayer- it is always come in handy and always there up for grabs. It takes only for one to have the desire to pray and everything else follows.

We can pray even when we are sorrounded with all these activities we need to do during the day, if there's the desire to pray everything else follows.

Pray is our access to God 24/7, it is actually a conversation to God and since its a conversation - a communication between two living things - exchange of words or inspirations take place how? - One should listen, one should hear what the Lord is telling you- you wont hear Him throwing words from nowhere, but you can hear His little voice deep within even in the amidst of your chaotic enviroment. He can speak to you through circumstances of your daily battles in life - you can see and hear what the Lord is telling you also.

He is stressing this accord - Remain in Me! For in Him we can do everything - we can be strong - we can be victorious - we can do anything for He gives us all the grace to get by.

We dont actually need to say much, specially if we are talking to someone we love most, few words matter specailly if it comes from the heart- that is all necessary.

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