Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More inspirations

Hearbeats are countless...
Spirits are ageless...
Dreams are endless...
Memories are timeless...

May God bless you with...

Quite moments when you're feeling overwhelmed
Peaceful feelings when you're pushing through the day
Simple wisdom when you're facing difficult choices
Restful hours when your days are long
And the soothing comfort of those who care!

God will shower blessings more than you expected, not just because you asked for it.
But someone around you asked God to give it for you.

Sometimes God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, He sends us failure so we can humble.
Sometimes, He sends us illness so we can take better care of ourselves.
Sometimes, He takes "Everthing away from us so we can learn the value of Everything we have."

Enlightenment never happens by accident. It results from the brave and sometimes lonely battle of 1 person vs her/his own weaknesses.

Happiness is never lost if you just know where to look for it, its always in your heart where love hope and trust lives.

If one dream should fall and break into thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again. That's the beauty of being alive-we can always start all over again.

Keep my commandments!

John 15:9-11

Whenever we follow God's command we abide in His love!

"In God's love we find the fulness of grace, life, peace and joy! We prove our love for God and for one another when we embrace the way of the cross."

Do you know the love that produces immeasurable joy?

The love of God to His creation specially the humankind, by redeeming them thru the death of His Son Jesus! He lay His life as a ransom to the manny! Laying one's life for a friend - how difficult it is, though.

Cant imagine myself to bear such sacrifice, I could only say much mere words use, but being true to it, my love to that friend of mine will be put to test - I cant imagine really doing it as in. Probably for a love one yes, an immediate family - that would be possible, I will spare my life for that matter, and I will not think twice for its a joy to see someone closes to me live and have a life to the full.

What is the crosses in my life?

This has been ask several times already during retreats and recollections and I would answer it affirmatively. My crosses in my life are those that the Lord wanted me to carry out as if helping Him carrying the load and these are my family, my personal relationship with Him, my being as daughter, as a superior, as a mom and as a wife.

All these crosses are my responsibilities and my accountabilities to God that I have to take on by heart. It's my daily crosses and challenges that I need to accept and live up to and bring to God unharmed and pure.

And whenever I stumble in the process, God help me get through and continue that journey towards His Kingdom. And I want to finish the race in faith and love so that I give honor and joy to Him who completes my being and the reason for me living in this world.

Remain in me!

"Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit because without me you can do nothing." John 15-4

Here our dear Lord pointed out how it is vital to stay connected with Him. It is as if He tells us that He should be always part of our life as in and not merely an accessory, or whenever we feel the need arises.

How can we be connected? It's through prayer- it is always come in handy and always there up for grabs. It takes only for one to have the desire to pray and everything else follows.

We can pray even when we are sorrounded with all these activities we need to do during the day, if there's the desire to pray everything else follows.

Pray is our access to God 24/7, it is actually a conversation to God and since its a conversation - a communication between two living things - exchange of words or inspirations take place how? - One should listen, one should hear what the Lord is telling you- you wont hear Him throwing words from nowhere, but you can hear His little voice deep within even in the amidst of your chaotic enviroment. He can speak to you through circumstances of your daily battles in life - you can see and hear what the Lord is telling you also.

He is stressing this accord - Remain in Me! For in Him we can do everything - we can be strong - we can be victorious - we can do anything for He gives us all the grace to get by.

We dont actually need to say much, specially if we are talking to someone we love most, few words matter specailly if it comes from the heart- that is all necessary.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Daily Inspirations

We run so fast to reach our dreams, and most often we fall on the ground. Thank God, because the most successful people in this tricky world are those with wounded knees.

We often say: God if you loved me, you would do this, you would take care of that." But "God says, because I love you, I am not going to give you these things." God wants to do something greater in your life. Will you let Him?

Storms in life reveal the strength our faith. Faith doesnt eliminate trials but it determines whether we stand or fall with the impact of the storm.

Measuring life by what others do to us may disappoints us. But measuring life by what we do for others in accordance with His will. will add more meaning to our life and pleasing to His eyes.

Tapat Dapat. Even if we do things the right way, some would still be unsatisfied. Some will not appreciate what we say and what we do. There would always be people who would let us down too..

But for as long as we speak honestly from the heart, we will be fine. This is not a perfect world. this is not a perfect life. Life is almost unfair. but life loves the person who dares live it.

In facing life's ups and downs, let's always cling to our God & dwell on HIs promises. Lets be like the finest bamboo-bending but not breaking.

Let nothing troubles you. let nothing frightens you. All is fleeting, God alone is unchanging. patience obtains everything. The one who posses God lacks nothing. God alone suffices!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

What is it about you are worried right now?

Do you allow any troubles to robe you of God's peace?

"Adversity can make us lose hope and become discourage or it can press us closer to God and His promises."

It's been a chaotic week, whenever I loose touch with my prayer time, a lot of things happenned that made me so troubled and restless. All decisions, actions and words that were brought out and done couldn't even provide an affirmative results-then I left wondering why?

I remember a message that were said in one of our Ligaya community assembly, whenever in certain areas of your life you feel lacking or there's a great need of sustenance of prayers and discernment its merely because there's something wrong with one's prayer time. But if one's prayer time is very much alive and active, God works tremendously great in every aspect of your life, and you feel you lack nothing...

Well most of the time it happened to me..this week I hurt someone, and it did affected me so much, because even though I already been in the renewal and I'm a very much trying-to-be-good Christian-still I fall- still I could not past the test of temptation, still I fail God.

Then along the way I am greatly affected with the goings and doings of our campus ministry that we could not pathom why for a community that were never given its birth in another level such as alumni group - a lot of politicing, a lot of banging of words as to who is saying the truth and as whom we should follow afffects the group so much- it I seem could not really understand why this is happening. The maturity level of the relationship that were established and built within the campus did not linger deep within each members that after stepping out in the real world, they're eyes were open but they could not see what is the need and where we should go...I'm really troubled and question God-why these things are happening- to His community whom He had put up ahead with everyone,but still is not moving on from its first stage...

These are some worries that I have in mind not to mentioned my work and my family my daughters specially my youngest who is still suffering from asthma...

And to meet the demands of all these concerns, I'm struggling and that's why it made me so bothered that I could not even find time to pray...

Now having realized that I have not openned my bible since Monday, I heard this voice come and talk to me now...hence I'm here...It feel so easy unburdening these troubles in mind and truly God is showing me the way...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thoughts to ponder

Our energy follows our mind, so always think positive, and remember there's no problem that cannot be solved. Always trust God and for sure He will not fail us.

God seldom does great things in a hurry, so let us wait patiently. Patience means awaiting God's Time, without doubting God's love.

God understands we are not strong all the time. He knows that sometimes all we can do is rest on His arms. As He takes us thru the journey of Life.

God balances our lives by giving enough blessings to keep us happy and enough burdens to keep us humble. Let us enjoy life in all humility.

BEcause you have made the Lord your refuge the Most High your habitatin, no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent. For He will give His angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways . PSALM 91:9-11

Pursue righteousness. A wrong thng is a wrong even if everyone else is doing it. A right thing is right even if you're the only person doing it.

Service for Christ God can take lowly vessel. Shape it with His mighty hand. Fill it with a matchless treasure. Make it serve a purpose grand. Thus, there is no such thing as insignificant Service for Christ.

More inspiration

Serving God is a privilege, not a burden! If God gives you an assignment, count yourself blessed that He considers you faithful enough to trust you with it!

Morning is a sign of God's Great Love for us, let us be thankful that we are given a new day to share His Love with special people in our hearts.

I pray that happiness at your door. May it knock early, remain and leave the gift of excellent, health, peace of mind, and inner joy.

Fulfillment doesnt merely mean achieving highest dreams in life, but also living a life that has made the lives of others worth living.

Let us cherish the moment when were empty but happy, tired but inspired, down but smiling, feeling lost but living for a cause. life is a gift, lets celebrate!

God is in control-Psalm 139:1-4

"O Lord you have searched me and known me, You know my sitting down and my rising up. You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down and are aquainted wilth all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue. But behold O Lord You know it all together."

Thus whatever uncertainties we have, God is not rattle, trust, for God is in control.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Inspirational Messages

God says that, and so what?

Go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Mat. 5:24

Lord of reconciliation, this lent give us time to be reconciled not only with You but with others. Give me the grace of humility to acknowledge my shortcomings, and mercy to forgive peopple's fault.


(K.Mon's text)

The dont's to remember: dont wait for time, Make it. Dont wait for love, Feel it. dont wait for money, Earn it. Dont wait for path, find it. Dont wait for opportunity, create it. Dont go for less, get the best. Dont compare, be unique. dont avoid failure, use it. Dont dwell on mistake, learn from it. Dont back down, go around. Dont close your eyes, open your mind. dont run for life, embrace and enjoy it.

From a. me-anne cruz

Jesus is like a software, He enter's your life, scans your problems, edits your intention, downloads solutions, deletes your worries and saves you.

Jeanie David

Today like any other day I lift up to God your wholeness, intentions and cares. May He sanctify your work, bless your health and answer your deepest prayers. K. Mon

"God bless you"- is such a litter prayer, but it means so much, it means may the Lord with His gracious hands give you more than what you've prayed for." Me-ann cruz

Bible bites...Bitterness is unfilled revenge. It is a symptom of the stronghold of Cold Love. This painful experience was allowed by God to teach us how to Love our Enemies. If we still have forgivenss toward someone who hurt us, we have failed this test. without love there will be no spirtiual unity. without unity there will be anointing, no blessingand no lasting victory. psalm 133:1-3

Sunday, April 13, 2008

How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for me?

How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for me?

This is the Responsorial Psalm for todays' Reading - April 12, 2008. Upon reading it, I was struck about the question and told myself...can you answer this?

My Lord and my God, has been generous and loving, He never fails me, and He is always there for me. Every time I'm given the opportunity to ponder, where I am now and what I have become...I would always say that every thing and whatever things or circumstance that made me what I am now- is my God perfect plan for me.

Looking closely and pondering upon my own life, I see how the Lord, has able to help me and bless me so much. From the time I was born, till the time I graduated, till the time I got my first blow of pains, till the time I walk down the aisle, when I have given birth, I almost lost my job, till the time I have given the gift of community-the Lord in every areas of my life has been always there for me. He carefully mold me to the person that I am today, by given me adequately what I need to become right now. Even in between trials and tribulations, the Lord manifested His love for me.

Now when this question hit me...then now what am I suppose to should I answer this question?

Lord God, nothing happen in my life that is to be considered - accidental! Everything has its purposes and reasons, and I will always be grateful to You for that! I can only give much to the best of my ability and availability of resources and luxury of time that I have. You've blessed me so much Lord, that you pre-arranged everything, You sought only what is best for me and always You never failed to amazed and made me feel how You love me so much, eversince.

Now, O God how will I make a return or how will I bring back those unconditional goodness that you have for me? How will I make a return? I can only do this much, I need the grace, I need everything to be able to make a good return, a return that is worthy as an offering to God, not a simple gift but even more than that. I want precious gift for you O God, only the best, my all my God!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Here we go again

Last night we got the chance to meet S. Mila, our campus Minister and coordinator of CCP (Christian Communities Program), a Campus Ministry - back in college. The meeting was called for to address the issue on division and to highlights the need to established legally the members or leaders that would heads up the alumni group of this ministry.

The CCP was established in 1975 in the 3 campuses of UE-however, after the members/students graduated, there should be an alumni group to handle or to welcome them to continue what they have gained and experienced from college days, but it was fleeting. Though, it was established but it did not last, until there came group of individuals who dreamt of building up the alumni group and the move goes on and off, on and off...After several attempts, some who fought or worked hard to regain the group, lost their drive and their will power to go on, that's why to date, there's still no concrete framework or group of that sort to handle the alumni until now...

Actually, 3 of those attempts I was partly involved, the last two we did not succeed and on my 3rd attempt- I join this group and continue to help fulfill that desire-we are now at our 3rd year struggles and journey to that dreams and we call ourselves working group.

We had regular meetings, activities, plans, Sunday Masses once a month, retreat every year and others, we've established a yahoo groups to bring together thoughts and greetings of all alumnis from all parts of the world, we have shares of receiving rejections, persecutions and intrigues, but we never falter or let ourselves be affected.

But we are all human beings, and sometimes we are too vulnerable and weak and we do feel at times frustrated and hopeless about this plight- again we are no superheroes we're humans too and its normal to feel it at times.

The beauty about this working group that we had, if the other seem to go weary, there'll be someone from the group to fill in and uplift the other person. Our togetherness and having a unison battle cry had given us the opportunity to be more closer with one another and our level of treating each other is not only on the basis of purely having this common plan ang goal, but it came to a level that is more personal and more intimate, that we all wanted to be one-that we dont want to loose each other and we want to be altogether on this battle.

Going back to the purpose of that meeting, now part of the persecution that this group is receiving, is that some other group of the same community that we belong is establishing their own group to promote the same objective of building up the group, that they do not recognize or consider our group and they dont want to submit to the working group's desire or goal because they dont like the people who composes the group.

Given that situation, the mother of all these alumni, stood up and grab an opportunity to talked and bring the house down, I mean to cut this division and somehow enlighten up these two or rather 3 opposing poles, that actually their desires are all common and directed towards one goal, but having different approaches over the matter, rather.

What struck me is the word S.Mila, uttered, this is just a sibling rivalry and everyone has each own goodness in their hearts and what we need is just to simply come together and be one.

Last night there's so much lip service, there's so much self-centeredness, so much pasikat, and indirectly telling everyone that I'm more better, that I dont know because I was not informed, this and that and this and that...

A revelation that as for me I cannot just merely relinquished this torch that I'm carrying on inorder to make the group be one, particularly to some brothers and sisters who are just making show of themselves and not sizing up, but may have other motives/agendas or their committment is kinda questionable.

In this world of today,that technology becomes one of the basic need, that communication and change of information can happen in a split second, the more that word of mouth can be transmitted as far as electronic mail can do, I just cant comprehend, that how come during the last 3 years of the group struggles and activities to bring all as one, they never receive or got those information. But from their own lips they've uttered that on their own group they still managed to get in touch regardless of proximities... I just wonder, san sila nung ginagawa namin ang mga ito.

Now its a challenge, really, some did volunteer to support the group and S.Mila finally speak about dishonoring any small group that will be established other than this committee called working group, that will oversee its members for the next six months and once established - eventually a call for a formal election will set its place on December of this year.

But even before - WG came this far without hunger for much recognition, so much so with holding a title or a position - for them to move or establish the alumni - for us its a non-issue, for as long as we unite the alumni brothers and sisters, on every plans and activities, that we create and discussed about in the long hours of the evening till midnight away from our own priorities and families.

Actually, we volunter ourselves and we are not receiving or getting any benefit out of doing these things, our consolations lie only on the premise, that in gratitude we want to pay it forward to the other members of the alumni or to the community as a whole what we have become and we want to share that blessings to them - to the community without expecting any return, including rejections, back stabbing and persecutions.

Now having said that and listening to some people whom I just saw only now, where do we go from here, you've heard everything, you've said all your piece and thank you that somehow you recognized our efforts, but what can you share or what can you do, more than the words that you can utter, what else can you offer? Where do we go from here? Should I we go again.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Road to Emmaus

How often do we fail to recognize the Lord when he speaks to our hearts and opens his mind to us?

Do you listen attentively to the Word of God and allow his word to change and transform you?

I was on the same state when I am to concern with my own problems and my own limitations, that even what the Lord already promises me, long before and even I heard Him say the words vividly- that I will see you through- I was still too confined with those negative feelings.

Whenever I'm on that situation, I ask for prayers with my peers and my women's group for I could not listen, I could not stand, I am so weak and I cant even recognize that the Lord is actually right beside me.

I see how powerful prayers can be, after few minutes I feel gradually being unburden and now my eyes were openned and I saw God and hear Him clearly.

Just to share David's prayer in the old testament, he said:

I saw the Lord ever before me,
with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.
Therefore my heart has been glad and my tongue has exulted;
my flesh, too, will dwell in hope,
because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld,
nor will you suffer your holy one to see corruption.
You have made known to me the paths of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence.

Like the long walk to Emmaus, the two people in the story seemed to confined with all the events that took place related to Jesus- that when they were approached by Him, they did not recognize Him, only until they reach a place and they have this breaking of the bread...Where they not with them-when He was still in flesh speaking about God's promises and the likes, because along the way Jesus interpreted the Scriptures and why all such sorts should take place and should happen for Jesus-speaking like a prophet were they not felt the burning of their hearts, that listening to Him alone, make their hearts melt?

Maybe, there were a lot of things bothering them or probably they were just half listening...well, I'm like that most of the times. I always have the access to God 24/7 thru prayers and thru meditations but whenever something happen- I could not even shield or sustain myself with it....

Lord God, You have the words of eternal life, You are always there for me, open my eyes clearly to see and open my heart so that your words can penetrate and instill in it. Amen.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hunger for God

What do you most hunger for - wealth, peace, health, love or good life? Then the Lord Jesus says in the Gospel (John 6:27) "Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man, will give to you."

April 7, 2008 Gospel passage. What struck me most is the meditation transcripted by I dont know who said: " Only God can satisfy the hunger in our heart and soul and the hunger for truth, for life and for love."

Then in answering the question above...actually I am content, but I am sometimes dissatisfied too. To the point that I could not find a time to read the Gospel, ponder on His words and listen to His little voice inside me. Whenever, I falter or fall short of this, after several days, a certain turn of events would pinch me and made me realize that - maybe the Lord is telling me something - why such circumstances happened or why there's an outburst of feeling that is too unchristian and very much unlikely.

Actually the bible which is the bread of life sustains me, and whenever I have the grace of the Holy Spirit- I could clearly see things in a right perspective and decide in accordance to His will.

But I do fall short but I dont rely to much on the confidence that God will always be there for me, but I do believe, the Lord wanted me so much to submit to Him and rely on Him and for me to accept that I can do nothing without Him around.

So to answer the question, I only hunger for God-He alone sustains me, when I have Him everything follows.

Lord God, salamat sa araw- araw na binibigay Ninyo, sa Tinapay ng Buhay na nagpapawi ng aking gutom. Sa Inyo lamang ang pusot kaluluwa ko'y busog na at wala ng mahalaga pa. Salamat sa araw-araw na paalala. Amen