Sunday, May 18, 2008

More inspirations from the heart

A point to ponder:

People may doubt what you say but they will always believe in what you sincerely do...
Remember well done is much more better than well said.

Laws of Lifetime personal growth:

Law #1 Always make your future bigger than your past
Law #2 Always make your contribution bigger than your reward
Law #3 Always make your performance greater than your applause
Law #4 Always make your gratitude greater than your success.

As we wait with reverence, we no longer worry about what may happen to us. The past is behind us, the present is now, the future is in God's hand.

What does it mean to have God as a Friend?

Someone who will listen even if you are irritating
who will help even if you dont deserved to be helped
who goes out of HJis way for you (Luke 11:5-13)

Rivers do not drink the water they carry. Trees do not eat the fruit they bear; Clouds do not bathe in the rain they produce. We are meant to give even if we get nothing from it. Measuring life by what others do may disappoint us, but measuring life by what we do make life meaningful.

Perhaps the desires you have right now are from God, but the circumstances arent right. Dotn try to make God's will happen. Wait for His timing. Allow Him to set everything up just for the right, God-ordained moment. Crawford W. Loritts

Each time the world needs an extra touch of love and gentle caring-God creates a Friend.

Life is full of uncertainties, we'll never know when our time on earth is up till its over. So-take many pictures, laugh much, take time to look up at the stars, sing loudly, fill the cold wind, smile a lot and love like you've neven been hurt...because every 60 seconds you spend is a minute of happiness you will never get back.

It's been awhile

Well a lot of things has been happening with my life at the same time with my relationship with the LORD and with the people around, specially with those were my life evolves...

My own preferences-well this word preferences hit me hard and I'm true to that...I wont be hearing the Lord's vocie speaking to me directly but deep within me and thru circumstances He does...and I would still opt to choose my own preferences and then the Lord would show me another circumstances...grabe and I would realize that He's true and consistent with what He likes me to do...but thank God I have the Will Power and its so easy to go against HIS WILL...but He remain faithful He remain my Comforter and My Saviour.

Maybe perhaps its not yet time for me to let go of these things I keep holding on...or perhaps my will power is too strong...but I'm sure of one thing He loves me so much. And I take pride of having His constant guidance and love for me.

But pretty sure in a very near future I will abide, and I know its bad of me to set aside or be deaf-mute about His plans...but I'm sure God will understand why I did it so.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lestening to the Father and Obedience to the Father

It's actually true that if you have the habit of having a one to one experience with the Lord through prayers- you will never miss to listen to His voice or interpret circumstances in your daily lives as if you're hearing the Lord speaking to you clearly.

I too seldom experience such merely because I'm not too consistent with my prayer time, if I dont need anything much from Him I would just simply state a prayer, read on the scriptures and that's it...But whenever I feel down or I'm in a difficult situation then I heed on Him and pray fervently...that makes every word in the scriptures mean the Lord speaking to me directly and even through the events of my day as it unfolds it is as if God is telling me something out of it...

The Lord never fails me as in but sometimes I would insist on my own preferences - which is actually accorded to my own comfort zones, I know the Lord says otherwise but I continue to insist and eventually because of His persistency and foreboding I would heed to the Lord and obey Him...And after that, the Lord will tell me through the experience that He provided the right and what suits me in, and I ended up so grateful and thankful...

The Lord really is like that, He never desires less but only the best for us, it only takes faith and obedience to let go of our own preferences and let God do the maneuvering, He knows which path to thread and He knows what is really best for us.

I continously thank the Lord for this relationship that I have with Him and thank you for His Holy Spirit, who serves as His medium a connecting link to His message to me. I'm happy and grateful that I have this special connection with Him above.