Sunday, July 20, 2008

How should I pray?

The Bible through the words of Jesus has thought us already how to pray and its quite simple by simply saying the Our Father...But is it really that simple? Probably its simple that is but I cannot even pray the Our Father!!! I've read about this praying is a time where one is exposing his self to God. Its actually making God's will fulfill in you life and make it happen. It aligning one's will to God's will, for guidance, for sustenance, for support, for love and for reassurance.

I envy those who can afford to pray for an hour or more they can even manage to listen more attentively to God's message. It's seem that they can do it effortlessly and second nature or so normal thing do for them. It seem that its already part of their system - their day to day life.

Actually I do - I mean I have my own prayer life - but again I only practice it out of choice, whenever I feel I love or like to. And its not supposed to be that has to be part of my daily routine like having to take my breakfast, lunch or dinner and mid snacks in between.

Prayer has to be part of me and there's no specific formula as to how to pray but the most important of it all is you have the heart to pray and a listening ear that can hear and appreciate what the Lord is telling you today.

Making His will for you work over what you will for yourself. God should rule over us.

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