Sunday, May 18, 2008

It's been awhile

Well a lot of things has been happening with my life at the same time with my relationship with the LORD and with the people around, specially with those were my life evolves...

My own preferences-well this word preferences hit me hard and I'm true to that...I wont be hearing the Lord's vocie speaking to me directly but deep within me and thru circumstances He does...and I would still opt to choose my own preferences and then the Lord would show me another circumstances...grabe and I would realize that He's true and consistent with what He likes me to do...but thank God I have the Will Power and its so easy to go against HIS WILL...but He remain faithful He remain my Comforter and My Saviour.

Maybe perhaps its not yet time for me to let go of these things I keep holding on...or perhaps my will power is too strong...but I'm sure of one thing He loves me so much. And I take pride of having His constant guidance and love for me.

But pretty sure in a very near future I will abide, and I know its bad of me to set aside or be deaf-mute about His plans...but I'm sure God will understand why I did it so.

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